Our Trucks



When you want quality and customer service.

Quality and Service

Over the last 40 years, Andale Ready Mix has developed into an amazing company. Since our father and mother started Andale Ready Mix in 1972, they have always held a strong belief in not cutting corners and serving our customers like they are part of our family.


If you’ve ever had to back a large truck over a rutted dirt road through a narrow space up to the edge of an excavation, you can appreciate the logic of designing a truck that pulls forward onto a job site. Productivity improvements for both the contractor and concrete producer can result from the use of front discharge ready mix trucks. The reason? A time saving capability of driving directly to where concrete is needed, then controlling water addition, chute position and concrete discharge all from inside the truck.

ARMC work safe driver
Front discharge truck

The contractor benefits because he doesn’t need men on the chute as he does when rear- discharge trucks are used. He can take one to two men off the pour without slowing the placement operation. This is particularly helpful to smaller contracting firms. Some claim to be able to bid jobs at as much as $2.00 less per cubic yard, based on labor savings alone. Another advantage to the contractor is the ability of front-discharge trucks to move while depositing concrete. On jobs where curb and gutter are being slip formed, the truck can move side by side with the slip former, placing concrete directly into the hopper which is easily seen by the driver. The biggest advantage of our trucks is safety. A driver can now see where he is going. No backing up needed.